3 Aralık 2014 Çarşamba

Jules Verne: Bir Bibliyografya Denemesi 1

Jules Verne: Bir Bibliyografya Denemesi

Jules Verne Bibliografisi

yaz: yazılış tarihi; bas: ilk basılış tarihi (kitap); yay: tefrika başlangıcı

1839 1846 1991 Un Prêtre en 1839 (uncomplete)
1839 Yılında Bir Rahip
A Priest in 1839 Ein Pfarrer im Jahre 1839

1847 La Fille de l'air
Havanın Kızı
The Daughter of Air


1850 Les Pailles rompues

The Broken straws
1-act com

1876 MS
Un drame au Mexique; Les premiers navires de la marine mexicaine
Meksikada bir dram - Meksika Donanmasının ilk gemileri
A Drama in Mexico: The First Ships of the Mexican Navy
Ein Drama in Mexico - Die ersten Schiffe der mexicanischen Marine SS

1874 DrOx
Un drame dans les airs; Un voyage en ballon
Balonla bir gezi
A Drama in the Air; A Voyage in a Balloon Ein Drama in den Lüften

1852 1853
1875 Ch 1876
Martin Paz
Ablukadan Geçiş içinde Martin Paz The Pearl of Lima; Martin Paz
Martin Paz Nov

1852 1974 Monna Lisa
Mona Liza
Mona Lisa


1852 Les Châteaux en Californie, ou, Pierre qui roule n’amasse pas mousse

The Castles in California, or, A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
1-act com

1853 Le Colin-maillard

Blind man’s bluff

1853 Un fils adoptif
Evlatlık Oğlan
The Adoptive Son


1854 1855 1874 DrOx Un hivernage dans les glaces Buzlar Arasında Bir Kış
A Winter amid the Ice
Eine Überwinterung im Eis

1854 1874 DrOx Maître Zacharius ou l´Horloger qui a perdu son ame.
Zacharius Usta ve Olağanüstü Öyküler
Master Zacharius Meister Zacharius; Meister Zacharius oder Der Uhrmacher, der seine Seele verlor

1855 Les Compagnons de la Marjolaine

Knights of the Daffodil


Portraits d'artistes. XVIII
Artistlerin Portreleri
Portraits of Artists: XVIII

1858 Le Salon de 1857
1857 Salonu
The 1857 Salon; Salon of 1857

1858 Monsieur de Chimpanzé
Bay Şempanze
Mr. Chimpanzee


1860 1989 Voyage en Angleterre et en Écosse; Voyage à reculons en Angleterre et en Écosse
İskoçya Seyahati Backwards to Britain Reise mit Hindernissen nach England und Schottland

1860 L'Auberge des Ardennes

The Inn in the Ardennes


1861 2003 Joyeuses misères de trois voyageurs en Scandinavie

1861 Onze jours de siège
Onbir günlük Kuşatma Eleven Days' Siege


1863 1870 Cinq semaines en ballon
Balonla Beş Hafta Five Weeks in a Balloon Fünf Wochen im Ballon

1863 À Propos du Géant
Geant hakkında
About the Géant


1864 Edgar Poe et ses oeuvres
Edgar Allan Poe ve Yapıtları Edgar Allan Poe and His Works

1864 Voyage au centre de la Terre
Dünyanın Merkezine Seyahat; Yeryüzünün Merkezine Yolculuk Journey to the Center of the Earth Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde

1865 1873 De la Terre à la Lune
Aya Seyahat; Dünyadan Aya From the Earth to the Moon; A Trip to the Moon Von der Erde zum Mond

1866 1864–1867
Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras 1: 1866 Les Anglais au Pôle Nord 2: 1866 et Le désert de glace
Kaptan Hatteras’ın Maceraları The Adventures of Captain Hatteras; 1: The English at the North Pole; 2: Field of Ice Abenteuer des Kapitaen Hatteras; Reisen und Abenteuer des Kapitaen Hatteras

1866 1867 Géographie de la France et de ses colonies
Fransa ve sömürgelerinin coğrafyası
Geography of France and her colonies

1866 Voyages Extraordinaires
Olağanüstü Seyahatler
Extraordinary Voyages; Extraordinary Journeys Außergewöhnliche Reisen

1867 1868 Les Enfants du capitaine Grant;  1: 1866 L’Amérique du Sud; 2: 1866 L’Australie 3: 1867 et L’Océan Pacifique
Kaptan Grant'ın Çocukları Captain Grant’s Children; In Search of the Castaways or the Children of Captain Grant
Die Kinder des Kapitän Grant

1867 1910 HeD Le Humbug
The Humbug
Der Humbug

1869 1870 1873 Autour de la Lune

Ayın Çevresinde Seyahat; Ayın Etrafında Around the Moon; Round the Moon Reise um den Mond

1870 1991 L’Oncle Robinson
Robinson Amca
Uncle Robinson Onkel Robinson

1870 1869 1873 Vingt mille lieues sous les mers
Denizler Altında Yirmi bin Fersah Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea Zwanzigtausend  Meilen unter dem Meer

1870 1878 1879 1880 1881
Découverte de la Terre (Histoire générale des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs, publié en quatre volumes, en colla. avec Gabriel Marcel: v1: 1870; v2:1878; v3: 1879 Les grands navigateurs du XVIIIe siècle; v4: 1880 Les voyageurs du XIXe siècle (en novembre 2011 chez GEO mag)
Dünyanın Keşfi (3 cilt?) Celebrated Travels and Travellers: 1. Discovery/Exploration of the Earth 2. The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century 3. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century
1. Die Entdeckung der Erde; 2. Die grossen Seefahrer des 18. Jahrhunderts; 3. Der Triumph des 19. Jahrhunderts

1871 1866 1874 Les Forceurs de blocus

Ablukadan Geçiş The Blockade Runners Die Blockadebrecher

1871 1874 Une Ville flottante
Yüzen Şehir A Floating City Eine schwimmende Stadt

1872 1873 Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais dans l'Afrique australe
Üç Rus ve Üç İngiliz’in Güney Afrika Serüvenleri Adventures of Three English and Three Russians Abenteuer von drei Russen und drei Englaendern in Südafrika

1873 1872 1874 Le Pays des fourrures
Kürkler Ülkesi; Kürkler Memleketi
The Fur Country, or Seventy Degrees North Latitude Das Land der Pelze

1873 1872 1874 Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours
Seksen Günde Devri Alem Around the World in Eighty Days Reise um die Erde in Achtzig Tagen; In 80 Tagen um die Welt

1873 Les Méridiens et le calendrier
Meridyenler ve Takvim
The Meridians and the Calendar


1873 Un neveu d’Amérique ou les deux Frontignac
Amerikalı kuzen
A Nephew from America


1874 1872 Une fantaisie du Docteur Ox; Le Docteur Ox; 1874: regroupe: Une fantaisie du docteur Ox, Maître Zacharius ou l'horloger qui avait perdu son âme, Un drame dans les airs, Un hivernage dans les glaces et Quarantième ascension française au mont Blanc, ce dernier texte, de Paul Verne, est retiré des éditions suivantes
Doktor Oks; Doktor Ox’un Deneyi Dr Ox’s Experiment and Other Stories Eine Idee des Doctor Ox

1874 1875 L’Île mystérieuse; 1: 1874 Les naufragés de l’air; 2: 1875 L'Abandonné; 3: 1875
Esrarengiz Ada; Esrarlı Ada The Mysterious Island; 1:  ; 2: Abandoned 3: The Secret of the Island Die geheimnisvolle Insel; 1 Die Schiffbrüchigen des Luftmeers; 2 Der Verlassene; 3 Das Geheimniß

1875 1876 1877 Le Chancellor
Chancellor Kazazedeleri The Chancellor; The Survivors of the Chancellor: Diary of J. R. Kazallon Der Chancellor - Tagebuch des Passagier: J. R. Kazallon

1875 1973 Une ville idéale

An Ideal Town


1876 1877 1880 Michel Strogoff
Mişel Strogof Michael Strogoff Der Courier des Czaar – Michael Strogoff; Der Kurier des Zaren

1876 1877 Les Indes noires: suivi de un hivernage dans les glaces
Madenin Esrarı The Black Indies; Child of the Cavern; The Underground City Schwarz Indien; Die Stadt unter der Erde

1877 1878 Hector Servadac
Güneş Sistemine Seyahat
Hector Servadac; Off on a Comet - a Journey through Planetary Space
Hector Servadac - Reise durch die Sonnenwelt

1878 Un Capitaine de quinze ans
Onbeş Yaşında Bir Kaptan The Boy Captain; Dick Sands, the Boy Captain; Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen
Ein Kapitän von 15 Jahren

1879 1880 1881 La Maison à vapeur - Voyage à travers l'Inde septentrionale
Buharlı Ev
The Steam House Das Dampfhaus

1879 1880 Les Cinq Cents Millions de la Bégum
Begüm'ün 500 Milyonu; Mihracenin Mirası
The Begum's Fortune; The Begum's Millions
Die fuenfhundert Millionen der Begum

1879 1880 Les Tribulations d’un Chinois en Chine
Çin’de Bir Çinli’nin Başına Gelenler The Tribulations of a Chinese in China; Tribulations of a Chinaman in China
Die Leiden eines Chinesen in China; Drangsale eines Chinesen in China

1879 Les Révoltés de la Bounty
Bounty Asileri The Mutineers of the Bounty
Die Meuterer von der Bounty Oth

1881 1887 Dix heures en chasse
Avlanırken On Saat
Ten Hours Hunting Zehn Stunden auf der Jagd

1881 La Jangada - Huit cent lieues sur l'Amazone
Jangada The Giant Raft; Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon Die Jangada - Achthundert Meilen auf dem Amazonenstrom

1881 Les Voyages au théâtre


1882 L’École des Robinsons
Robensonlar Okulu; Robensonlar Mektebi
The School for Robinsons; Godfrey Morgan - A Californian Mystery
Die Schule der Robinsons

1882 Le Rayon vert
Yeşil Işın; Yeşil Işık
The Green Ray Der gruene Strahl

1882 Voyage à travers l'Impossible

Journey Through the Impossible


1883 1884 1887 Kéraban-le-têtu
İnatçı Keraban ; İnatçı Keraban the Inflexibl Keraban der Starrkopf

1884 1886 L'Archipel en feu

The Archipelago on Fire Der Archipel in Flammen

1884 L'Étoile du sud
Cenup Yıldızı The Vanished Diamond
Der Suedstern oder Das Land der Diamanten

1884 Frritt-Flacc
Frrit Flakk
Frritt-Flacc Frritt Flacc

1885 L'Épave du Cynthia
Denizde Bulunan Çocuk The Waif of the 'Cynthia'

1885 Mathias Sandorf
Mathias Sandorf Mathias Sandorf Mathias Sandorf

1886 1887 d’Un billet de loterie
Piyango Bileti The Lottery Ticket; Ticket No. 9672 Ein Lotterie-Los; Ein Lotterie-Loos

1886 1887 Robur-le-conquérant
Fatih Robur Robur the Conqueror; Clipper of the Clouds Robur der Sieger

1887 Le Chemin de France
Fransa Yolu?
The Flight to France, or Memoirs of a Dragoon
Der Weg nach Frankreich

Gil Braltar
Gil Braltar Gil Braltar

Nord contre sud
Güneye Karşı Kuzey North against South: Story of the American Civil War Nord gegen Sued

1888 1889
Deux ans de vacances
İki Yıl Okul Tatili; Antillere Seyahat Two Years’ Holiday; Two Years' Vacation; Adrift in the Pacific and Second Year Ashore. Zwei Jahre Ferien

1888 La conquête économique et scientifique du globe

1889 1891 Famille-sans-nom
İsimsiz Aile A Family without a Name Die Familie ohne Namen

1889 1891
La Journée d’un journaliste américain en 2890
2889 Yılında In the Year 2889 Ein Tag aus dem Leben eines Journalisten im Jahre 2889

1889 1891
Sans dessus dessous
Ne Altı Var Ne Üstü
Topsy-Turvy; The Purchase of the North Pole Kein Durcheinander

1890 1891 César Cascabel
Araba...(ile Devri Alem)
Cesar Cascabel
Caesar Cascabel

1890 Souvenirs d’enfance et de jeunesse

Memories of Childhood and Youth

1892 1894 Claudius Bombarnac
Bir Gazetecinin Yolculuk Notları
Claudius Bombarnac, The Adventures of a Special Correspondent
Claudius Bombarnac

1892 Le Château des Carpathes
Karpatlardaki Şato ; Karpatlar Şatosu Carpathian Castle Das Karpatenschloss

1892 Mistress Branican

Bayan Branican Mistress Branican Mistreß Branican

1893 1895

Foundling Mick
Der Findling

1894 Mirifiques Aventures de maître Antifer
Antifer Usta'nın Şaşılacak Serüvenleri Captain Antifer
Meister Antifer's wunderbare Abenteuer

1895 L’Île à hélice
Pervaneli Ada; Uskurlu Ada Propeller Island Die Propellerinsel; Die Propeller-Insel

1896 1897 Clovis Dardentor
Clovis Dardentor Clovis Dardentor Clovis Dardentor

1896 1897 Face au drapeau
Bayrağa Karşı For the Flag; Facing the Flag Vor der Flagge des Vaterlandes; Die Erfindung des Verderbens

1897 1898 Le Sphinx des glaces
Buzdan Sfenks ; Buzların Sfenksi An Antarctic Mystery Die Eissphinx

1898 Le Superbe Orénoque

The Mighty Orinoco Der stolze Orinoco

1899 Le Testament d'un excentrique

The Will of an Eccentric Das Testament eines Exzentrischen

1900 Seconde patrie
İkinci Vatan
Second Homeland; The Castaways of the Flag
Das zweite Vaterland ; Der Schweizerische Robinson

1901 Les Histoires de Jean-Marie Cabidoulin
Deniz Yılanı Yarns of Jean-Marie Cabidoulin; The Sea Serpent
Die Historien von Jean-Marie Cabidoulin

1901 Le Village aérien;  La Grande Forêt

The Village in the Treetops; Treetop Village Das Dorf in den Lueften

1902 Les Frères Kip
Kip Kardeşler Kip Brothers Die Gebrueder Kip

1903 Bourses de voyage
Gezgin Canbazlar Traveling Scholarships Reisestipendien

1904 Maître du monde
Dünyanın Hakimi ; Gökler Hakimi Master of the World Herr der Welt

1904 Un Drama en Livonie
Livonya'da bir dram;
Livonya'da bir facia
A Drama in Livonia Ein Drama in Livland

1905 L’Invasion de la mer
Denizin Hücumu
Invasion of the Sea Der Einbruch des Meeres

1907 L’Agence Thompson and Co.
Thompson Ajansı ve Ortakları L'Agence Thompson and Co.; The Thompson Travel Agency Das Reisebüro Thompson & Co.

1910 1991
Hier et Demain:  1891 La Journée d'un journaliste américain en 2889; 1891 Aventures de la famille Raton; 1893 Monsieur Ré-Dièze et Mademoiselle Mi-Bémol; 1905 Edom - L'Éternel Adam) (Hier et demain (1910) regroupe: Aventures de la famille Raton, Monsieur Ré-Dièze et Mademoiselle Mi-Bémol, La Destinée de Jean Morénas (Pierre-Jean), Le Humbug, Au XXIXe siècle: La journée d’un journaliste américain en 2889 et L'Éternel Adam.
Dün ve Yarın
Yesterday and Tomorrow; Adventures of the Rat Family; Mr. Re Sharp and Miss Mi Flat; Pierre-Jean (The destiny of Jean Morenas)
Gestern und morgen ; Die Rattenfamilie; Herr Dis und Fräulein Es; Das Schicksal von Jean Morénas; Der ewige Adam

1914 1919
L’Étonnante aventure de la mission Barsac (1905 Une ville saharienne)

The Barsac Mission Das erstaunliche Abenteuer der Expedition Barsac

1971 1864 Le Comte de Chanteleine
Chanteleine Kontu The Count of Chanteleine

1985 1901 1910 Le secret de Wilhelm Storitz
Wilhelm Storitz’in Sırrı The Secret of Wilhelm Storitz Wilhelm Storitz Geheimnis

1986 1901 1908 La Chasse au météore;  1905 Edom - L'Éternel Adam
Meteor Avı The Chase of the Golden Meteor; The Meteor Hunt Die Jagd nach dem Meteor

1987 1897 1898 1909 En Magellanie;  1909 Les Naufragés du «Jonathan»; The Survivors of the "Jonathan"; Die Schiffbruechigen der Jonathan
Macellanya In Magellania

1988 1896 1905 1908 Le beau Danube jaune;  Le Pilote du Danube
Güzel Sarı Tuna; Tuna Kılavuzu
The Danube Pilot; The beautiful yellow Danube Der Donaulotse ; Der Pilot von der Donau

1989 1899 1900 1906 Le volcan d'or

Altın Volkanı The Golden Volcano Der Goldvulkan

1990 1864 1994 Paris au XXe siècle
Yirminci Yüzyıl'da Paris Paris in the Twentieth Century Paris im 20. Jahrhundert

1991 Manuscrits nantais, Volume 1, (1991) ouvrage à tirage limité regroupant des pièces de théâtre inédites et non jouées: Don Galaor (esquisse, 1849); Le Coq de bruyère (1849); On a souvent besoin d'un plus petit que soi (esquisse, 1849); Abd'Allah (1849); Le Pôle Nord (1872, en collaboration avec Édouard Cadol); Une promenade en mer (1851); Le Quart d'heure de Rabelais (1847); La Mille et deuxième nuit (1850); La Guimard (1853); La Tour de Montlhéry (1852) N 21; Les Sabines (1867, inachevé, en collaboration avec Charles Wallut); et un fragment sans titre de 1874 Manuscrits nantais, Volume 2, (1991) ouvrage à tirage limité regroupant des pièces de théâtre inédites et non jouées: Alexandre VI (1847); La Conspiration des poudres (1848); Un drame sous Louis XV (1849); Quiridine et Quidinerit (1850); De Charybde en Scylla (1851); Les Heureux du jour (1856); Guerre aux tyrans (1854); et Au bord de l'Adour (1855) N 22. 1991 Le troisième volume des Manuscrits nantais (1991) est un ouvrage à tirage limité regroupant des nouvelles inédites: Un prêtre en 1839, Jédédias Jamet (Jédédias Jamet ou l’histoire d’une succession), Le siège de Rome, Le Mariage de M. Anselme des Tilleuls, San Carlos, Pierre-Jean et L'Oncle Robinson.
1991 Nantes Manuskrisi:
Roma Kuşatması
Pierre-Jean; The Marriage of Mr. Anselme des Tilleuls; San Carlos; The Humbug; Edom

1993 1994 San Carlos et autres récits inédits; (San Carlos et autres récits; Pierre-Jean, Le mariage de M. Anselme des Tilleuls, Le siège de Rome, San Carlos, Jédédias Jamet et Voyage d'études.)

San Carlos and other stories

1998 1904 1905 Voyage d’études (uncomplete; 4.5 chapters available) İnceleme gezisi
Study visit

1999 1903 1905 Le Phare du bout du monde
Dünyanın Ucundaki Fener; Kahraman Fenerciler The Lighthouse at the End of the World Der Leuchtturm am Ende der Welt
Yatık yazılmış başlık: henüz yayınlanmamış ya da taslak başlık; 1839 Yılında Bir Rahip gibi.

14 Ağustos 2014 Perşembe

PG Newsletter

[gmonthly] Project Gutenberg Newsletter August 2014


* Outernet affiliation
* MARC back online, and CD/DVD ISO maker is nearly back
* New eBook listings from July 2014

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* New eBook listings from July 2014

~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks:  1 Jul 2014 to 31 Jul 2014 ~ ~ ~ ~

TITLE and AUTHOR                                                     ETEXT NO.

Der Erbe. Dritter Band., by Friedrich Gerstäcker                         46465
 [Language: German]

The Little Cryptogram, by J. Gilfin Fyle                                 46464
 [Subtitle: A Literal Application to the Play of Hamlet
  of the Cipher System of Mr. Ignatius Donnelly]

Brani inediti dei Promessi Sposi, by Alessandro Manzoni                  46463
 [Subtitle: Opere di Alessando Manzoni vol. 2 parte 2]
 [Language: Italian]

Recollections of a Policeman, by William Russell                         46462
 [Author a.k.a. Thomas Waters]

L'Illustration, No. 0063, 11 Mai 1844, by Various                        46461
 [Language: French]

Gunboat and Gun-runner, by T. T. Jeans                                   46460
 [Subtitle: A Tale of the Persian Gulf]
 [Illustrator: C. M. Padday]

Ljocht en Skaed, by Douwe Kalma                                          46459
 [Subtitle: In mennich In mennich biskôgings]
 [Language: Frisian]

Laughing Last, by Jane Abbott                                            46458
 [Illustrator: E. Corinne Pauli]

White Wolf's Law, by Hal Dunning                                         46457
 [Subtitle: A Western Story]

Mysterium Arcae Boulé, by Burton E. Stevenson                            46456
 [Language: Latin]

Life on a Mediaeval Barony, by William Stearns Davis                     46455
 [Subtitle: A Picture of a Typical Feudal
  Community in the Thirteenth Century]

In Vain, by Henryk Sienkiewicz                                           46454
 [Translator: Jeremiah Curtin]

Die Regeln des Anstands, der Höflichkeit                                 46453
 und der guten Sitte, by Ignaz Lehmann
 [Language: German]

The Strand Magazine - Vol. 1 - No. 5 - May 1891, by Various              46452
 [Subtitle: An Illustrated Monthly]
 [Editor: George Newnes]

Starved Rock, by Edgar Lee Masters                                       46197

Cuentos Clásicos del Norte, Primera Serie, by Edgar Allan Poe            46196
 [Language: Spanish]

An Accidental Honeymoon, by David Potter                                 46195
 [Illustrators: George W. Gage and
  Edward Stratton Holloway]

Avioelämää II, by August Strindberg                                      46194
 [Subtitle: Kahdeksantoista aviojuttua]
 [Language: Finnish]

Avioelämää I, by August Strindberg                                       46193
 [Subtitle: Kaksitoista kertomusta avioelämästä]
 [Language: Finnish]

The Pan-German Programme, by Anonymous                                   46192
 [Subtitle: The Petition of the Six Associations
  and the Manifesto of the Intellectuals]
 [Translator: Edwyn Bevan]

Fighting without a War, by Ralph Albertson                               46191
 [Subtitle: An Account of Military Intervention in North Russia]

Stories of Robin Hood, by Bertha E. Bush                                 46190

While I Remember, by Stephen McKenna                                     46189

Elsie's Young Folks in Peace and War, by Martha Finley                   46188

Letters from the Holy Land, by Elizabeth Butler                          46187

Germany in War Time, by Mary Ethel McAuley                               46186
 [Subtitle: What an American Girl Saw and Heard]

The Devil, by Ferenc Molnar                                              46185
 [Translator: Oliver Herford]

Frau Jenny Treibel, by Theodor Fontane                                   46184
 [Subtitle: Roman aus der Berliner Gesellschaft]
 [Language: German]

La maison d'un artiste, by Edmond de Goncourt                            46183
 [Language: French]

Sonata de otoño; Sonata de invierno, by Ramón del Valle-Inclán           46182
 [Subtitle: memorias del Marqués de Bradomín]
 [Language: Spanish]

The Forty-third regiment United States Colored Troops,                   46181
 by Jeremiah Marion Mickley

Der Findling, Erster Band, by Jules Verne                                46180
 [Language: German]

Two Years and Four Months in a Lunatic Asylum, by Hiram Chase            46179
 [Subtitle: from August 20th, 1863 to December 20th, 1865]

Flower of the Gorse, by Louis Tracy                                      46178

Punainen huone, by August Strindberg                                     46177
 [Subtitle: Kuvauksia taiteilija- ja kirjailijaelämästä]
 [Language: Finnish]

The Knights of the Round Table, by William Henry Frost                   46176
 [Subtitle: Stories of King Arthur and the Holy Grail]
 [Illustrator: Sydney Richmond Burleigh]

The History of the Confederate War, Its Causes and Its Conduct,          46175
 Volume II of 2, by George Cary Eggleston
 [Subtitle: A Narrative and Critical History]

Der Findling, Zweiter Band, by Jules Verne                               46174
 [Language: German]

Tourmalin's Time Cheques, by F. Anstey                                   46173

A Tale of the Tow-Path, by Homer Greene                                  46172

Florida Caverns State Park, by Robert O. Vernon                          46171
 [Subtitle: Marianna, Florida]

Fathers of Men, by E. W. Hornung                                         46170

Fishing with Floating Flies, by Samuel G. Camp                           46169

Experiments and Observations Tending to Illustrate the Nature            46168
 and Properties of Electricity, by William Watson
 [Subtitle: In One Letter to Martin Folkes, Esq;
  President, and Two to the Royal Society]

British Royal Proclamations Relating to America 1603-1783, by Various    46167
 [Editor: Clarence S. Brigham]

History of the Zulu War, by A. Wilmot                                    46166

The Book of Daniel Unlocked, by W. S. Auchincloss                        46165

Il piccolo santo, by Roberto Bracco                                      46164
 [Subtitle: Dramma in cinque atti]
 [Language: Italian]

Maschere, by Roberto Bracco                                              46163
 [Subtitle: Dramma in un atto]
 [Language: Italian]

Ad armi corte, by Roberto Bracco                                         46162
 [Subtitle: Commedia in un atto]
 [Language: Italian]

By Forest Ways in New Zealand, by F. A. Roberts                          46161

Malaeska, by Ann S. Stephens                                             46160
 [Subtitle: the Indian Wife of the White Hunter]


6 Temmuz 2014 Pazar

Herstellung: A. Hayrettin Kalkandelen, İkinci Abdülhamid Han

Die Herstellung von Hayrettin Kalkandelens Opus Magnum, Abdülhamid, der Zweite, war seit langem komplett. Ich habe zahllose Fehler korrigiert und die Korrekturen vom Verfasser mehrmals vorgenommen. Ich übertreibe ein bisschen wen ich sage, dass ich dieses Buch am Computer beinahe neu geschrieben habe! Letzter Zeit war ich auf der Suche nach einen Verlag für dieses Werk. In letzten Monaten wurde sie von folgenden Verlagen durchgelesen und höfflicherweise abgelehnt: Cumhuriyet Y., İşBank Kültür Y., Yapı Kredi Kültür Y., Ozan Y., Labirent Y., Timaş Y. und Remzi Kitabevi.

Hinweis: A. Hayrettin Kalkandelen, İkinci Abdülhamid Han, 2014, Antalya, 123 Seiten, Türkisch.
Anhang: Werke von A. Hayrettin Kalkandelen 

Übersetzung: Wallace - Gehemagent Nr. 6

Meine Übersetzung ist längst bereit auf dem Tisch. Ich war letzter Zeit auf der Suche nach einen Verlag für die Übersetzung. In letzten Monaten wurde sie von folgenden Verlagen durchgelesen und höfflicherweise abgelehnt: Altın Bilek Y., GeoTurka Y., Cumhuriyet Y., İşBank Kültür Y., Yapı Kredi Kültür Y., Ozan Y., Labirent Y., Timaş Y. und Remzi Kitabevi.

Hinweis: Edgar Wallace, Number Six, 1920, Altı Numaralı Ajan, 2014, 126 Seiten, Türkisch, Antalya

4 Temmuz 2014 Cuma

PG Newsletter

[gmonthly] Project Gutenberg Newsletter June-July 2014

This is the Project Gutenberg Newsletter for June-July 2014


* Happy birthday to Project Gutenberg!
* The BookLand project
* Offline catalog update & impact
* Bookshelves still undergoing revitalization
* New eBook listings from May & June 2014

* Happy birthday to Project Gutenberg!

On July 4, 1971, Michael Hart created the first electronic book.  This
was the United States Declaration of Independance, available online at

As the United States celebrates the 238th year since its founding, now
is a great time to look at the 1350 or so words that launched a

* The BookLand project

BookLand (www.book-land.ro) is a year-long mobile book fair throughout
Romania.  In 2014 it is aiming to visit and talk to 300,000 high
school students in 23 cities.  BookLand offers free access to eBooks
in constant pursuit of making lecture a relaxing habit.  Their
Web site has a section for free eBooks.

* Bookshelves still undergoing revitalization

The Bookshelf section has had significant updates (as mentioned
in May).  Please take a look:

* Offline catalog update & impact

In April 2014, some updates to the format of the XML/RDF offline
catalog replaced the older format.  This has rendered two services
temporarily unable to get updates from the latest eBooks:

  - MARC-format records provided by Adelaide University
  - The custom CD/DVD ISO maker

We hope both services will be updating again soon.  Meanwhile, the ISO
maker has been having difficulties for several months with sometimes
failing to create a viable ISO image (this is the format for a
collection suitable for copying to a CD or DVD disc).  We hope to make
progress on this soon.

* New eBook listings from May & June 2014

~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks:  1 Jun 2014 to 30 Jun 2014 ~ ~ ~ ~

TITLE and AUTHOR                                                     ETEXT NO.

The German Lieutenant and Other Stories, by August Strindberg            46107
 [Subtitle: The German Lieutenant; Over-Refinement;
  "Unwelcome;" Higher Aims; Paul and Peter;
  A Funeral; The Last Shot]
 [Translator: Claud Field]

The Scottish Parliament, by Robert S. Rait                               46106
 [Subtitle: Before the Union of the Crowns]

No Posting                                                               46105

The Girl in Industry, by D. J. Collier                                   46104

Germany's Vanishing Colonies, by Gordon Le Sueur                         46103

An American Girl in Munich, by Mabel W. Daniels                          46102
 [Subtitle: Impressions of a Music Student]

Vita di Andrea Doria, Volume II, by Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi         46101
 [Language: Italian]

Vita di Andrea Doria, Volume I, by Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi          46100
 [Language: Italian]

The Vitality of 'Mormonism', by James E. Talmage                         46099
 [Subtitle: An Address]

In the Name of Liberty, by Owen Johnson                                  46098
 [Subtitle: A Story of the Terror]

Trooper Bluegum at the Dardanelles, by Oliver Hogue                      46097
 [Subtitle: Descriptive Narratives of the More
  Desperate Engagements on the Gallipoli Peninsula]

Sonia Married, by Stephen McKenna                                        46096

Private Journal of Henry Francis Brooke, by Henry Francis Brooke         46095
 [Subtitle: Late Brigadier-General Commanding 2nd Infantry
  Brigade Kandahar Field Force, Southern Afghanistan,
  from April 22nd to August 16th, 1880]

The Romance of Modern Mechanism, by Archibald Williams                   46094
 [Subtitle: With Interesting Descriptions in
  Non-technical Language of Wonderful Machinery
  and Mechanical Devices and Marvellously Delicate
  Scientific Instruments]

Secrets of the Sword, by César Lecat de Bazancourt                       46093
 [Illustrator: Frederick Henry Townsend]
 [Translator: Charles Felix Clay]

A Little Pilgrimage in Italy, by Olave M. Potter                         46092
 [Illustrator: Yoshio Markino]

The Octoroon, by Dion Boucicault                                         46091
 [Subtitle: or, Life in Louisiana; A Play in Five acts]

Lancashire Sketches, by Edwin Waugh                                      46090
 [Subtitle: Third Edition]

Mesék és regék, by Mór Jókai                                             46089
 [Language: Hungarian]

Stories of Exile, by Various                                             46088
 [Editor: Rossiter Johnson]
 [Subtitle: Ethan Brand; The Swans of Lir;
  A Night in a Workhouse; The Outcasts of
  Poker Flat; The Man Without a Country;
  Flight of a Tartar Tribe]

Drawings of Rossetti, by T. Martin Wood                                  46087

Der lebende Leichnam, by Leo N. Tolstoi                                  46086
 [Subtitle: Drama in sechs Akten (zwölf Bildern)]
 [Language: German]

The Boy Allies with Pershing in France, by Clair W. Hayes                46085
 [Subtitle: Over the Top at Chateau Thierry]

The Secret Life , by Elizabeth Bisland                                   46084
 [Subtitle: Being the Book of a Heretic]


The Lake of Geneva, by Joseph E. Morris                                  45560

The Pansy Magazine, February 1886, by Various                            45559
 [Editor: Pansy (Mrs. G. R. (Isabella) Alden)]

The History of the Fifty-ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteers,             45558
 by David Lathrop

Green Eyes, by Roy J. Snell                                              45557

Pappina, the Little Wanderer, by Katherine Wallace Davis                 45556
 [Subtitle: A Story of Southern Italy]

Picture Posters, by Charles Hiatt                                        45555
 [Subtitle: A Short History of the Illustrated Placard with Many
  Reproductions of the Most Artistic Examples in all Countries]
 [Illustrators: Various]

Doctor Birch and His Young Friends, by M. A. Titmarsh                    45554

The Lulu Alphabet, by Anonymous                                          45553
 [Illustrator: Anonymous]

The Old Market-Cart, by Mrs. F. B. Smith                                 45552
 [Illustrator: Anonymous]

Aunt Affable's Story of Old Mother Bantry and her Cat, by Anonymous      45551
 [Subtitle: Illustrated]

Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe, Tome 3, by René Chateaubriand                    45550
 [Language: French]

The Air Mystery of Isle La Motte, by Edith Janice Craine                 45549